March 10, 2021
An introduction to the panel:
Robert Lloyd Griffiths, National Director, Institute of Directors (IoD) Wales & South West
Damian Phillips, Employment Law Partner, Darwin Gray
Helen Bennett, Recovery Centre Development Consultant, Hafal
“There needs to be a period of recovery for individuals within businesses” – Robert Lloyd Griffiths, IoD
Alongside its many impacts, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant effect on employee mental wellbeing, especially for those who are working remotely.
Whilst working from home can have many benefits for some individuals, it can also cause loneliness and burnout which can lead to anxiety, stress and depression.
“Getting that balance between homeworking and workplace working will be the way forward” – Damian Phillips, Darwin Gray
As we look at how mental health and wellbeing is managed both by individuals and businesses, it’s important to consider not only the “here and now” but also how we support and develop people in the future.
“The impact of the pandemic on individuals and their sense of their ability to undertake their work will be huge, and so nervousness and anxiety about going back into a workplace having worked from home could be quite dramatic.” – Helen Bennett, Hafal